Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Food Philosophy

I am by no means a food or nutrition expert, nor do I claim to be, but for some reason I have become incredibly interested and passionate about the subject and have since spent countless hours researching all things food related.  After years of people asking me question after question about a particular food I am eating or preparing, and me racking my brain to remember why exactly I began eating the food in the first place, I decided to start this blog to keep track of it all in one place.  That being said, here are a few of my philosophies on food...

  • You are what you eat... literally!  
    • Every 35 days your skin replaces itself and your body makes new cells from the food you eat!  That's crazy cool right?  Or scary... depending on what you eat!  There are so many more examples I could give of this... like the fact that this is true for the plant an animal products we consume as well,  but the bottom line is, you should care about what you put in your body!

  • I don't eat anything that doesn't taste good!
    • If I discover a new food that is worth eating, I will find a way to make it taste good!  Period.

  • Everything in moderation... even dessert!
    • I don't believe in adhering to any special diet.  I'm not a vegan but I believe the majority of your diet should be focused on fruits and vegetables.  I do not stick to a raw food diet but I believe you should eat raw foods with every meal.  I believe in a high protein diet but you won't hear me preaching low carbohydrates, in fact, carbs can be one of the most nutritious parts of your diet.  Anyways, you get the point, everything in moderation.  

  • I don't count calories... or fat... or carbs... or anything else for that matter.
    • I believe if you are filling your diet with fresh, unprocessed, non genetically modified (GMO), whole foods then there is no need to  pay much attention to the numbers because your nutritional density will more than compensate for it.

  • Organic is always best when available!
    • I could go on forever about my feelings on this subject but in short I believe there is sufficient evidence to support eating an organic diet.  I do however realize that cost can be a huge factor in ones ability to switch to a completely organic diet so below you will find a diagram of the food most necessary to buy organic as well as the least.

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